Soul Dilatation
On April 19 – 27, 2023, in Athens (Greece), I participated in “Darkness Visible – An Immersive Performance-Making Workshop” led by acclaimed artist Ron Athey in collaboration with a team of amazing facilitators.
Themes and activities covered during the workshop included: Post-Porn Modernism, Ritual Modes Discernment, Prophecy and Automatism, Archetype Work, Endurance Preparation, Physical Actions, Durational/Instant Actions, Self-Hypnosis, Character Development.
30 selected international artists participated in the workshop and presented their works and works in progress in a final show open to the public (see @darknessvisible_ on Instagram).
I presented “Soul Dilatation”, a video art installation featuring original compositions. The result was a further development of the theme of my collection of drawings and photomontages through another powerful medium and the interaction with the public.
On 6 and 7 November 2023 at La Cambre in Brussels, I participated in a workshop held by renowned international artist Rocío Boliver on performance making and her unique and uncompromised approach to this art form.
Below: stills from "Soul Dilatation" video.